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Learning to become a Critical Reader

  • 2 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Can you imagine a world without newspapers, magazines and books? Every day we read materials that give us varied information. Through reading, we get to know what is happening around us and around the world. As we read, we become well informed and are challenged to think. When we think about what we read and choose what has value to us, we grow and develop. We become intelligent readers. Would you like to learn some ways of getting the most out of your reading? In this module, you will learn how to become an intelligent reader. You will be able to determine the value and relevance of what you read. We call this critical reading. This module will help you to develop the basic skills in critical reading. It will help you to become a critical reader. You need to study the following lessons: Lesson 1 – Imperfect or Incomplete Information Lesson 2 – Critical Reading Strategies Lesson 3 – The Relevance and Worth of Ideas Ask yourself, “How will I profit from this module?” Think of great men and women, who contributed a lot to make our lives easier now than before. What was their secret? They engaged in deep thinking as they read and observed their environment. Their thinking activities created new ideas. And their ideas were translated into inventions, which you and I are enjoying today. So, think, read and think again. Look for the answers to your why’s. Develop your reading and thinking skills now. Who knows you may discover the greatness in you.

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